Licensed therapist providing support & counseling for all members of the adoption triad

Why Now?
Independent Adoption Center (IAC), previously the largest nonprofit adoption agency in the country, unexpectedly declared bankruptcy in February.
As a result, hundreds of waiting adoptive families lost thousands of dollars. While some have the means to continue pursuing adoption, many families have invested their life savings and just can't afford to. Without help, this is the end of their journey.
In the wake of this unexpected closure, friends of the adoption community and former IAC Social Workers have come together and partnered with to make a difference.

The families who cannot afford to start over need our support to realize their dream of adopting., a national grant foundation, has agreed to distribute the funds raised to former IAC families through their adoption grant program.
Whether you have personally been touched by adoption or know someone who has, you can understand the overwhelming love and gratitude involved in placing a baby into the arms of parents who want nothing more than to shower a child with unconditional love.
So this is where we turn to you.
To help as many families as we can, we are asking for your participation.