Licensed therapist providing support & counseling for all members of the adoption triad
Educating yourself on the philosophies of current adoption practice allows you to take control of your adoption journey from the very beginning. Gaining an understanding of individual adoption practices and ideologies will help you select the avenue in which you choose to adopt. Deciding what is important to you is your first parenting decision and will shape your entire adoption experience.

Clinical Support Services
As you continue down this road, counseling at any juncture in your adoption can help alleviate stress and the toll this process takes on yourself and your personal relationships.
Support services help adoptive parents and birthparents navigate this delicate time. During the match, coming together to create a specific plan for ongoing contact ensures a mutual understanding and establishes a solid foundation for the future.

Research continues to confirm that openness in adoption has the healthiest outcome for children. However, as time goes on, relationships can get complicated. Clinical intervention can help reestablish healthy and positive dynamics and preserve relationships for everyone's benefit. Adoption related issues that arise overtime can also be addressed through parenting support services, individual and family therapy.